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8.11Special techniques

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8.11.1Singular integrands

8.11.2Change of variable

Many times, a change of variable can improve the regularity of the integrand.

8.11.3Analytic treatment of singularity

Consider an integral with a singular term

I=0bf(x)log(x)dxI = \int_0^b f(x) \log(x) \ud x

Since log(x)\log(x) is singular at x=0x=0, we have to compute this with some care. Divide the interval into two parts

I=0ϵf(x)log(x)dx+ϵbf(x)log(x)dx=:I1+I2I = \int_0^\epsilon f(x) \log(x) \ud x + \int_{\epsilon}^b f(x) \log(x) \ud x =: I_1 + I_2

I2I_2 can be computed by some standard technique and I1I_1 is computed semi-analytically. Assume f(x)f(x) has convergent Taylor series on [0,ϵ][0,\epsilon]

f(x)=j=0ajxj,x[0,ϵ]f(x) = \sum_{j=0}^\infty a_j x^j, \qquad x \in [0,\epsilon]


I1=0ϵ(jajxj)log(x)dx=j=0ajϵj+1j+1[log(ϵ)1j+1]I_1 = \int_0^\epsilon \left( \sum_j a_j x^j \right) \log(x) \ud x = \sum_{j=0}^\infty \frac{a_j \epsilon^{j+1}}{j+1} \left[ \log(\epsilon) - \frac{1}{j+1} \right]

8.11.4Product integration

Consider an integral with a singular term

I(f)=abw(x)f(x)dxI(f) = \int_a^b w(x) f(x) \ud x

where w(x)w(x) is singular and f(x)f(x) is a nice function. Let {fn}\{ f_n \} be a sequence of approximations to ff such that

  1. w|w| is integrable.

  2. limnffn=0\lim_{n\to\infty} \norm{f - f_n}_\infty = 0

  3. The integrals

    In(f)=abw(x)fn(x)dxI_n(f) = \int_a^b w(x) f_n(x) \ud x

    can be analytically computed.


I(f)In(f)ffnabw(x)dx0|I(f) - I_n(f)| \le \norm{f-f_n}_\infty \int_a^b |w(x)| \ud x \to 0