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from pylab import *

8.1Problem of quadrature

The problem is to compute the numerical value of the definite integral

I(f)=abf(x)dxI(f) = \int_a^b f(x) \ud x

where f:[a,b]Rf:[a,b] \to \re is a given function. The solution to this problem usually takes the following form: Form a partition or grid

ax0x1xnba \le x_0 \le x_1 \le \ldots \le x_n \le b
<Figure size 800x500 with 1 Axes>

and approximate the integral by a formula of the type

In(f)=j=0nwjf(xj)I_n(f) = \sum_{j=0}^n w_j f(x_j)

where the {wj}\{ w_j \} are some weights. We may be interested in the following type of questions.

  1. Given the nodes {xj}\{ x_j \} how to find the weights to obtain a good approximation ?

  2. Can we find both the nodes and weights so that the formula is as accurate as possible ?

To measure the accuracy, we may establish a result like

I(f)In(f)=O(1np),for some p>0|I(f) - I_n(f)| = \order{\frac{1}{n^p}}, \qquad \textrm{for some $p > 0$}

Then the approximations converge fast if pp is very large and this is algebraic convergence. A still better approximation is one which would converge exponentially

I(f)In(f)=O(eαn),for some α>0|I(f) - I_n(f)| = \order{\ee^{-\alpha n}}, \qquad \textrm{for some $\alpha > 0$}

8.2Integration via function approximation

Let {fn}\{ f_n \} be a family of approximations to ff such that

limnffn=0\lim_{n \to \infty} \norm{f - f_n}_\infty = 0

i.e., they converge uniformly an also in a pointwise sense. Define the quadrature rule

In(f)=abfn(x)dx=I(fn)I_n(f) = \int_a^b f_n(x) \ud x = I(f_n)

Then the error in the integral is

En(f)=I(f)In(f)=ab[f(x)fn(x)]dxE_n(f) = I(f) - I_n(f) = \int_a^b [f(x) - f_n(x)] \ud x

so that

En(f)abf(x)fn(x)dx(ba)ffn|E_n(f)| \le \int_a^b |f(x) - f_n(x)| \ud x \le (b-a) \norm{f - f_n}_\infty

We thus automatically obtain convergence of the integral approximations.