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3.7Fixed point iterations

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3.7.1Newton as fixed point iteration

The Newton-Raphson method to find the zeros of f(x)f(x) can be written as

xn+1=ϕ(xn),ϕ(x)=xf(x)f(x)x_{n+1} = \phi(x_n), \qquad \phi(x) = x - \frac{f(x)}{f'(x)}

At a root α, we have

f(α)=0,ϕ(α)=αf(α)f(α)=αf(\alpha) = 0, \qquad \phi(\alpha) = \alpha - \frac{f(\alpha)}{f'(\alpha)} = \alpha

Thus the root is a fixed point of the function ϕ. We have converted the problem of root finding into one of finding the fixed points of a map via the fixed point iteration xn+1=ϕ(xn)x_{n+1} = \phi(x_n).

3.7.2Fixed point, contraction map

3.7.3Differentiability and contractivity

3.7.4Order of convergence

If ϕ(α)0\phi'(\alpha) \ne 0, then we only get linear convergence. For faster convergence, derivatives of ϕ need to vanish at the root.

3.7.5Multiple roots and Newton method

Let α be a root of f(x)f(x) with multiplicity mm, so that

f(α)=f(α)==f(m1)(α)=0,f(m)(α)0f(\alpha) = f'(\alpha) = \ldots = f^{(m-1)}(\alpha) = 0, \qquad f^{(m)}(\alpha) \ne 0

A Taylor expansion around α gives

f(x)=(xα)mm!f(m)(ξx),ξx between α and xf(x) = \frac{(x-\alpha)^m}{m!} f^{(m)}(\xi_x), \qquad \textrm{$\xi_x$ between $ \alpha$ and $x$}

Near α, f(x)f(x) behaves like

f(x)=(xα)mh(x),h(α)0f(x) = (x-\alpha)^m h(x), \qquad h(\alpha) \ne 0

Let us apply Newton method to this function. Since

f(x)=(xα)mh(x)+m(xα)m1h(x)f'(x) = (x-\alpha)^m h'(x) + m(x-\alpha)^{m-1} h(x)

so that the iteration function of Newton method is

ϕ(x)=xf(x)f(x)=x(xα)h(x)mh(x)+(xα)h(x)\phi(x) = x - \frac{f(x)}{f'(x)} = x - \frac{(x-\alpha) h(x)}{mh(x) + (x-\alpha)h'(x)}

This satisfies

ϕ(α)=11m0ifm2\phi'(\alpha) = 1 - \frac{1}{m} \ne 0 \qquad \textrm{if} \quad m \ge 2

Thus Newton method converges since ϕ(α)<1|\phi'(\alpha)| < 1, but only linearly, with rate of convergence c=m1mc = \frac{m-1}{m}.

To improve Newton method for multiple roots, we need an iteration function with ϕ(α)=0\phi'(\alpha) = 0. This is satisfied for

ϕ(x)=xmf(x)f(x)\phi(x) = x - m \frac{f(x)}{f'(x)}


limnαxn+1(αxn)2=12ϕ(α)\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{\alpha - x_{n+1}}{(\alpha - x_n)^2} = - \half \phi''(\alpha)

which recovers the quadratic convergence of Newton method.

The view point of fixed point iterations helped us to understand why Newton converges only linearly to multiple roots, and also helped to fix it so that quadratic convergence is recovered.