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8.13Extrapolation methods

Extrapolation methods exploit the error estimate to compute better approximations. Such methods can be used for any approximation methods but here we illustrate it for numerical integration.

8.13.1Aitken extrapolation

Suppose we have an asymptotic error formula

IIncnp,p>0I - I_n \approx \frac{c}{n^p}, \qquad p > 0

If we know II then we can estimate pp from

IInII2n2p\frac{I - I_n}{I - I_{2n}} \approx 2^p

How can we estimate the convergence rate pp when we dont know II ? First compute InI_n, I2nI_{2n}, I4nI_{4n}. Then

I2nInI4nI2n=(IIn)(II2n)(II2n)(II4n)c/npc/(2n)pc/(2n)pc/(4n)p=2p\begin{aligned} \frac{I_{2n} - I_n}{I_{4n} - I_{2n}} &= \frac{ (I-I_n) - (I - I_{2n})}{(I - I_{2n}) - (I - I_{4n})} \\ &\approx \frac{ c/n^p - c/(2n)^p}{c/(2n)^p - c/(4n)^p} \\ &= 2^p \end{aligned}

Hence, the convergence rate is

plogI2nInI4nI2nlog2p \approx \frac{ \log\frac{I_{2n} - I_n}{I_{4n} - I_{2n}}}{\log 2}

We can obtain a more accurate estimate of II as follows. Again using the error estimate

IInII2n2pII2nII4n\frac{I - I_n}{I - I_{2n}} \approx 2^p \approx \frac{I - I_{2n}}{I - I_{4n}}


(IIn)(II4n)=(II2n)2(I - I_n)(I - I_{4n}) = (I - I_{2n})^2

Solving this

II4n(I4nI2n)2(I4nI2n)(I2nIn)=:I~4nI \approx I_{4n} - \frac{(I_{4n} - I_{2n})^2}{(I_{4n} - I_{2n}) - (I_{2n} - I_n)} =: \tilde I_{4n}

Then I~4n\tilde I_{4n} is more accurate than I4nI_{4n}.

8.13.2Richardson extrapolation

This is a more sophisticated way of performing the extrapolation. Let us illustrate this technique using the trapezoidal method for which we know the error estimate of the form (see Section 8.12.4)

IIn=d2(0)n2+d4(0)n4++d2m(0)n2m+Fn,mI - I_n = \frac{d_2^{(0)}}{n^2} + \frac{d_4^{(0)}}{n^4} + \ldots + \frac{d_{2m}^{(0)}}{n^{2m}} + F_{n,m}

when fC2m+2[a,b]f \in \cts^{2m+2}[a,b]. For nn even

IIn/2=4d2(0)n2+16d4(0)n4+64d6(0)n6+I - I_{n/2} = \frac{4 d_2^{(0)}}{n^2} + \frac{16 d_4^{(0)}}{n^4} + \frac{64 d_6^{(0)}}{n^6} + \ldots

Combining the last two equations

4(IIn)(IIn/2)=12d4(0)n460d6(0)n6+4(I - I_n) - (I - I_{n/2}) = -\frac{12 d_4^{(0)}}{n^4} - \frac{60 d_6^{(0)}}{n^6} + \ldots

so that

I=13(4InIn/2)4d4(0)n420d6(0)n6+I = \clr{red}{\frac{1}{3}(4 I_n - I_{n/2})} -\frac{4 d_4^{(0)}}{n^4} - \frac{20 d_6^{(0)}}{n^6} + \ldots


In(1)=43In(0)13In/2(0),n2 and n is even\boxed{I_n^{(1)} = \frac{4}{3} I_n^{(0)} - \frac{1}{3} I_{n/2}^{(0)}, \qquad n \ge 2 \textrm{ and $n$ is even}}


In(0)=InI_n^{(0)} = I_n

In(1)I_n^{(1)} is called the Richardson extrapolation of InI_n. Note that In(1)I_n^{(1)} uses the same data as InI_n but has a convergence rate of 4 while InI_n converges at rate 2.

But what is In(1)I_n^{(1)} ?

In(1)=43h[12f0+f1+f2++fn1+12fn]13(2h)[12f0+f2+f4++fn2+12fn]=h3[f0+4f1+2f2++4fn2+2fn2+fn]\begin{aligned} I_n^{(1)} &= \frac{4}{3} h [\shalf f_0 + f_1 + f_2 + \ldots + f_{n-1} + \shalf f_n] \\ & \quad - \frac{1}{3} (2h)[\shalf f_0 + f_2 + f_4 + \ldots + f_{n-2} + \shalf f_n] \\ &= \frac{h}{3}[f_0 + 4 f_1 + 2 f_2 + \ldots + 4 f_{n-2} + 2 f_{n-2} + f_n ] \end{aligned}

which is just Simpson rule (integral of quadratic interpolant) !!!

This procedure can be continued further. Let nn be a multiple of 4. We have already shown in (15) that

IIn(1)=d4(1)n4+d6(1)n6+I - I_n^{(1)} = \frac{d_4^{(1)}}{n^4} + \frac{d_6^{(1)}}{n^6} + \ldots


d4(1)=4d4(0),d6(1)=20d6(0),d_4^{(1)} = -4 d_4^{(0)}, \qquad d_6^{(1)} = -20 d_6^{(0)}, \ldots

and so

IIn/2(1)=16d4(1)n4+64d6(1)n6+I - I_{n/2}^{(1)} = \frac{16 d_4^{(1)}}{n^4} + \frac{64 d_6^{(1)}}{n^6} + \ldots


16(IIn(1))(IIn/2(1))=48d6(1)n6+16(I - I_n^{(1)}) - (I - I_{n/2}^{(1)}) = -\frac{48 d_6^{(1)}}{n^6} + \ldots


I=16In(1)In/2(1)1548d6(1)15n6+I = \clr{red}{ \frac{16 I_n^{(1)} - I_{n/2}^{(1)}}{15} } - \frac{48 d_6^{(1)}}{15 n^6} + \ldots


In(2)=16In(1)In/2(1)15,n4,n is multiple of 4\boxed{I_n^{(2)} = \frac{16 I_n^{(1)} - I_{n/2}^{(1)}}{15}, \qquad n \ge 4, \quad \textrm{$n$ is multiple of 4}}

converges at the rate 6 and is same as Boole’s rule (integral of cubic interpolant). error estimate for In(1)I_n^{(1)} (Simpson rule)


I=16In(1)In/2(1)1548d6(1)15n6+I = \frac{16 I_n^{(1)} - I_{n/2}^{(1)}}{15} - \frac{48 d_6^{(1)}}{15 n^6} + \ldots

we get

IIn(1)=16In(1)In/2(1)15In(1)48d6(1)15n6+=115[In(1)In/2(1)]+O(1n6)\begin{aligned} I - I_n^{(1)} &= \frac{16 I_n^{(1)} - I_{n/2}^{(1)}}{15} - I_n^{(1)} - \frac{48 d_6^{(1)}}{15 n^6} + \ldots \\ &= \frac{1}{15}[ I_n^{(1)} - I_{n/2}^{(1)} ] + \order{\frac{1}{n^6}} \end{aligned}

Since In(1)In/2(1)=O(1/n4)I_n^{(1)} - I_{n/2}^{(1)} = \order{1/n^4}, we can use the error estimate

IIn(1)115[In(1)In/2(1)]I - I_n^{(1)} \approx \frac{1}{15}[ I_n^{(1)} - I_{n/2}^{(1)} ]

The right hand side can be easily computed.

8.13.3Romberg integration

Using the error formula of trapezoidal rule, we can generalize Richardson extrapolation to arbitrary orders. For n=2kn = 2^k, k1k \ge 1 some integer

In(k)=4kIn(k1)In/2(k1)4k1I_n^{(k)} = \frac{4^k I_n^{(k-1)} - I_{n/2}^{(k-1)}}{4^k - 1}


IIn(k)=O(1n2k+2)I - I_n^{(k)} = \order{\frac{1}{n^{2k+2}}}

Romberg integration is defined by

Jk(f)=I2k(k),k=0,1,2,J_k(f) = I_{2^k}^{(k)}, \qquad k=0,1,2,\ldots

For example, if k=3k=3, compute

I1(0)I2(0)I2(1)I4(0)I4(1)I4(2)I8(0)I8(1)I8(2)I8(3)\begin{array}{cccc} I_1^{(0)} & & & \\ I_2^{(0)} & I_2^{(1)} & & \\ I_4^{(0)} & I_4^{(1)} & I_4^{(2)} & \\ I_8^{(0)} & I_8^{(1)} & I_8^{(2)} & I_8^{(3)}\\ \end{array}

The first column is trapezoid rule; I8(0)I_8^{(0)} is obtained using all n=23=8n = 2^3 = 8 intervals, I4(0)I_4^{(0)} is obtained using the half the intervals, etc.

The second column is generated from the first column using (28) with k=1k=1. The third column is generated from second column and the fourth from the third. Then I8(3)=J3(f)I_8^{(3)}=J_3(f) is the final answer.

  1. This is true for methods like trapezoid, mid-point, Simpson but is not true for Gauss rules.