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7.5Best approximation

#%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
from pylab import *
from scipy.interpolate import barycentric_interpolate

Let X=(X,)X = (X, \norm{\cdot}) be a normed linear spaced and suppose a given xXx \in X is to be approximated by a yYy \in Y, where YY is a fixed subset of XX. The distance between xx and YY is

δ=δ(x,Y)=infyYxy\delta = \delta(x,Y) = \inf_{y \in Y} \norm{x - y}

If there is y0Yy_0 \in Y such that

xy0=δ\norm{x -y_0} = \delta

then y0y_0 is called the best approximation to xx out of YY, since

xy0xy,yY\norm{x - y_0} \le \norm{x - y}, \qquad \forall y \in Y


Let us apply this result to some examples.

The finite dimensionality of YY is essential for existence.

We can state the existence result in another way.

Let us apply this result to some examples.


To show uniqueness of the best approximation, we need some convexity property. Let MM be the set of all best approximations

M={yY:xyxz, zY}M = \{ y \in Y : \norm{x-y} \le \norm{x - z}, \ \forall z \in Y \}


We cannot use the results of this chapter to show uniqueness of minimax problem since maximum norm is not strictly convex. We have shown the uniqueness of minimax by different techniques in previous chapter, using equioscillation property.

7.5.4Hilbert spaces

We have quite general results in inner product spaces.

In the above result, YY was not assumed to be finite dimensional.

From these two results, we can again conclude Corollary 1. in finite dimensional case

If XX is a Hilbert space, and YY is a finite dimensional subspace, then we can construct an orthonormal basis for YY

Y=span{x1,x2,,xn},(xi,xj)=δijY = \textrm{span}\{x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n\}, \qquad \ip{x_i, x_j} = \delta_{ij}

The best approximation

y=a1x1+a2x2++anxny = a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 + \ldots + a_n x_n

to xXx \in X must satisfy xyYx - y \perp Y, which is equivalent to

(xy,xj)=0,1jn\ip{x - y, x_j} = 0, \qquad 1 \le j \le n

which yields the solution

aj=(x,xj),1jna_j = \ip{x, x_j}, \qquad 1 \le j \le n


y=j=1n(x,xj)xjy = \sum_{j=1}^n \ip{x, x_j} x_j

7.5.5Uniform approximation: uniqueness

We now consider the best approximation problem in maximum norm. Since we dont have convexity, we need different techniques to prove uniqueness.

Recall that VV is the Vandermonde matrix which arises in interpolation problem. Hence the Haar condition says that the interpolation problem in YY using any nn distinct points has a unique solution.

  1. Kreyszig, E. (1978). Introductory Functional Analysis With Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.