Praveen Chandrashekar

Centre for Applicable Mathematics, TIFR, Bangalore

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The package manager is called zypper. Here are some useful commands

zypper search gcc --  Search for string gcc
zypper info   gcc --  Show description for package gcc
zypper refresh    --  Update package description from repositories
zypper lu         --  List upgradable packages
zypper up         --  Upgrade packages
zypper dup        --  Upgrade distribution

We will install most softwares using Spack. But first we need to get some basic stuff from Suse

sudo zypper install gcc
sudo zypper install gcc-c++
sudo zypper install gcc-fortran
sudo zypper install gnuplot
sudo zypper install git
sudo zypper install patch
sudo zypper install vim-data       # for extended functionality
sudo zypper install mlocate && sudo updatedb

After this, see the Spack page on how to install scientific softwares. openmpi will be installed by Spack, so do not install it with zypper.

To get common python modules (better to install Python using Conda or Spack in order to get latest version)

sudo zypper install python3-numpy python3-sympy python3-scipy python3-matplotlib

To install intel compilers, see here and do

sudo zypper install intel-basekit intel-hpckit

To delete all of texlive

sudo -E zypper rm texlive-*

List files installed by a package


Stop firewall

systemctl -q is-enabled SuSEfirewall2 && systemctl disable SuSEfirewall2
systemctl -q is-active SuSEfirewall2 && systemctl stop SuSEfirewall2

Enable ssh connections

systemctl start  sshd
systemctl enable sshd  # to automatically start at next boot

Check that sshd is started using

systemctl status sshd | grep Active

You may also have to enable ssh connections by going into Yast - Firewall - public and enable ssh.

gcc alternatives

Opensuse Leap 15.2 has gcc7 as default. We can install newer gcc versions

export VER=13
sudo zypper install gcc$VER gcc$VER-c++ gcc$VER-fortran

Now create links to this version

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-$VER $VER
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-$VER $VER
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gfortran gfortran /usr/bin/gfortran-$VER $VER

Check available versions; this will show list if there is more than one version available.

sudo update-alternatives --config gcc
sudo update-alternatives --config g++
sudo update-alternatives --config gfortran

Setting locale

If you get this error upon login

/usr/bin/manpath: can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct

then add following to /etc/environment