Install using Conda
Let us create a new environment called fenics
and install under this.
conda create -n fenics
conda activate fenics
conda install -c conda-forge fenics-dolfinx mpich pyvista
You may also want to install some other packages
conda install -n fenics -c conda-forge ipython notebook matplotlib scipy
Now activate the environment and do your Fenics work
conda activate fenics
Show list of installed packages in this environment
conda list -n fenics
Update the packages in this environment
conda update -n fenics -c conda-forge --all
Installing fenics using Docker
First install Docker; this is easy on a Mac and needs some configuration on Linux, see here. After this, start Docker and install the fenics script
docker pull quay.io/fenicsproject/stable:latest
This installs the last version of fenics which is 2019.1.0.
Installing an older version of fenics using Docker
To install an older version using Docker
docker pull quay.io/fenicsproject/stable:2017.2.0
Now, run this version like this
docker run -ti -p -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared \
-w /home/fenics/shared quay.io/fenicsproject/stable:2017.2.0
Install dolfinx using docker
Install latest version
docker pull dolfinx/dolfinx:stable
Run in docker
docker run -ti -p -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared \
-w /home/fenics/shared dolfinx/dolfinx:stable